Written & Reviewed by
Gaston Molina
Published on
April 6, 2022

Therapy is not just for those suffering from severe mental illnesses. Therapy can also be taken by those who find it hard to get on with their lives, or they have difficult parents to deal with. Those who have a hard time fitting in at school or struggle to socialise can also seek help from therapists.

Put simply, Therapy is for everyone.

Here are some signs to help you decide if you need therapy:

1. Performance at work or school is deteriorating

The reason for it could be many, but if you find your performance getting affected for a long time, it might be time to consider therapy.
Inconsistency is normal, we are humans and we often falter. But when the performance starts degrading for a long time as a result of inability to concentrate, memorise or recall- or any other reason- it could be a sign of mental fatigue or mental health issues.

2. You’ve encountered a shocking incident

Any sudden change, or shock, can really shake us. We tend to normalise it as part of a daily life- because it is- but sometimes we do not have enough resources to deal with the shock or trauma. This distress could lead to discomfort and troubles beyond our capacity to deal with. This shock or trauma could come from your personal experience- perhaps a loss or injury- as well as from witnessing someone else in distress.

3. You don’t “Feel so good anymore”

If low mood or inability to enjoy activities or hobbies you love persists for more than two weeks consecutively, it might be time to visit a counsellor or a therapist.
We all experience a change in mood throughout the day, and that is natural. But when this mood change persists, affecting your daily life, then it is an indication of your body and mind needing your attention.

4. You feel stressed all the time

Your stress might be making you feel tired, fatigued and sleepy most of the time. Even 10 hours of sleep seems insufficient. You’re either feeling hungry all the time or have lost interest in eating. If you are feeling that you need an external source to depend on for release, it might be time to seek help. People on the verge of getting addicted to or overusing substances to cope can also get help from a therapist.

5. You want to become your best self, but don’t know how

It is quite common for us humans to experience that unsettling feeling which makes us feel we aren’t ourselves. People who feel like they want to improve themselves, want to unlearn life lessons that are not relevant anymore, or simply want to be understood and guided can also take therapy.
A therapist can help you identify your resources, strengths and weaknesses and show you options to help you live the life you want to live.

Therapy sessions are not only for those suffering from grave illnesses. It is for everyone. Whether you’re having too many thoughts, difficulty focusing in class or important matters, or struggling with poor relationships, no matter the reason, a therapist can definitely help you out.

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