Counselling Psychologist & Teen Counselling
8 years of experience
Based on reviews collected privately
Counselling Psychologist & Teen Counselling
Aman is a Child Psychologist with expertise in psychological assessment with four years of clinical experience using evidence-based techniques with wide range of clinical population across various age groups. She regularly attends conferences and webinars related to Developmental Psychology and Psychological issues among Children. Specializing in Developmental/Child psychology, you may find her addressing parents and other beneficiaries as a guest speaker at various national as well as regional platforms. A strong believer in the power of the importance of inculcating essential skills/life skills at a young age and need for mindfulness, Aman actively takes part in workshops to assist parents with managing and dealing with children and teaching adults various mindfulness strategies to reduce stress.
M.Sc Specializing in Developmental/Child Psychology , The ABCs of Child Rearing by Yale University and Autism Spectrum Disorder by UC Davis