About Mea

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Mea has been a PE teacher and School Counsellor for 7 years. Being a Sports Scientist, majoring in Psychology, sport became more of a hobby. Working with people on an emotional level is her passion. She listens to every detail because every person has a story to share. She strives to provide her undivided attention. She had lost and grieved, hoped, believed, and aimed to succeed, failed and improved. Going through all these processes herself, she can relate to and guide individuals that feel lost. Mea is a mother, wife, and go-getter. She believes that life can become challenging, and we need some time for self-care. The human brain is the power bank of the body and soul. When our emotional energy is on reserve, we need to recharge to become mentally and emotionally stable. Mea lives by this, so her passion is to heal the mind and body. It is not always easy to take time for yourself, but you must remind yourself that if you do not take care of yourself, who will? I helped research Home-based intervention for parents with children suffering from Autism. I have helped children and adults with numerous challenges.

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