NLP Practitioner & Clinical Hypnotherapy
20 years of experience
Based on reviews collected privately
NLP Practitioner & Clinical Hypnotherapy
Dr Moses was previously practising at Camden Medical Centre, and had worked with numerous clients in overcoming their chronic pain, stress and anxiety, insomnia, phobias, and smoking habits. With close to 20 years of experience in hypnotherapy, coaching, counselling, consulting and training, he often helps his clients to uncover any unhelpful thought patterns and to address the underlying causes. The success of his clients in achieving permanent changes can be ascribed to a humanistic and integrative approach adopted, as well as the mutual trust they have during the therapeutic process. Dr Moses has also been featured in various media and trained numerous hypnotherapists to date.
PhD, MBA , Certified Hypnotherapist & Instructor , Certification in Pain Management with Hypnosis , Certified Mental Wellness Coach & Facilitator , Credentialed Coach with International Coaching Federation , Life Coach (Mindfulness, NLP, CBT) , NLP Master Practitioner